- Learned @media(size) controls to build responsive pages
- Familiarized myself with the workings of Bootstrap's fluid grid system
- Accepted Contract starting on March 16th
- Built this Website in Flask and Jinja2
- Was introduced to xDebug for PHP
- Redesigned and built website for Cincinnati's The Crossroads Center
Responsive Design
As a webpage changes sizes, CSS can use different directives based on the screen size. Using bootstrap's predefined fluid grid, this site's display will adjust for large and small screens. While coding, I discovered some discrepencies between how bootstrap worked, and how I wanted the site to display. I added @media directives to maintain the width and placement of the footer.
New Contract
I am currently unable to discuss the specifics of this contract. I can tell you it will last at least through the end of May; and I will be working in Python on a PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system.
New Website
This site is built in Python using Flask as the router and Jinja2 as the templating engine, this page is but a small sample of my work. More examples can be seen in my portfolio, on, or at GitHub.
Flask gives the developer a simple application routing framework, with very little overhead. It uses a wsgi interface available for a number of server platforms.
Jinja2 is a templating engine that allows python variables and function returns to be imbedded in an html document. Templates can be nested, allowing the developer to build one structure and use it in multiple pages.
PHP Xdebug
I was recently introduced to Xdebug, a php extension. I immediately installed it on my dev server at home, and as I was starting a new Drupal site, saw my very first PHP stackTrace.
Being a Python developer, I am familiar with stackTraces, but did not know there was a way to get them in php. I am still evaluating debuggers, but for right now, just the log output is so much better I must thank Steve and Kevin.
Overall, Xdebug's log output is not much different than Python's default. I look forward to working on a PHP project with the new debug capabilities.